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My goal is to produce excellent projects as much useful information as I can to help homeschool students do real learning as they perform projects with lifelong benefit. Any products I promote on this site are designed to enable me to keep producing beneficial projects. I share my experiences with products that I use or believe would be helpful for you. I only promote products I genuinely believe will benefit you in your homeschooling efforts. I do recommend you fully research each product before purchasing it to make sure it will be a good fit for your particular needs.
When you make a purchase using one of my links, I receive an affiliate commission. That commission does not add additional cost to you for purchasing the product through an affiliate link. I do appreciate any purchase as it helps me to continue investing time and resources into making this website as helpful as possible.
I do not receive any payment, services or products for listing these products on my website. I only receive an affiliate commission.
If you ever have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Finally, in any projects which instruct how to create and promote an Internet business, please understand that the financial success of any business you build is not guaranteed, nor do I suggest in any fashion that you will make a certain income. As in any business, success is not guaranteed.